Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Trail closed??

Been a few days and I know you all missed the entertaining and captivating news of our adventures so here we go!!!! My brother Dan came to visit and we had a great visit.  He parked his chocolate tanker just outside the park at a lumber yard and had dinner with us and sat around our 1st Michigan fire.  Dick also caught a whopper of a fish a couple of days ago.  It was so huge it broke his line!!  I had already made dinner so he threw it back.  

Sign said closed!!  Did we listen?  I don't think so!!  It has been really soggy here and just when you think it is going to dry up, it rains again and ruins our trail walks.  We only got a short distance and our path was impassible. The trail did pick up across this swamp but I wasn't going to have another near death experience!  On to plan B...the Grand River in Grand Rapids overflowed its banks a week ago and there are still some pretty swampy areas.  We found them all.  After there failed 1st trail we went closer to the river and walked a ton.  It was soggy but so nice out that I didn't care if my shoes got wet.  At this second park there was a disc golf course. Dick didn't play and from one of the pictures below you can see why.

On to the breweries! Grand Rapids area is still closed but we have been finding take out places and having fun with that.  We stopped at Elk Brewery!  CLOSED.  In Michigan there is always a plan B.  They have way to many breweries and we will stop at them all if they are in our path. We moved on to Perrin Brewery a couple of miles down the road, went in and ordered a couple different beers and some BBQ nachos and took the beer and food and ate and drank at the employee picnic table hiding on the side of the building.  Beer was great, nachos were great, walking was great, so it was just a great day!!

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