Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Yesterday we experienced what people call NORMAL. It was far from normal but it was fun.  We drove 1 hour north to Cadillac, Michigan where certain counties have opened up and had lunch in a brewery and sat and drank a couple of beers.  We had to wait 1-1/2 hours before getting in but had nothing better to do so we did.  While waiting we walked around town and also stopped at a chocolate shop for dessert before lunch. I hope Michigan is not known for chocolate.
Yes, a hike in the woods was also necessary.  Did you know that Michigan people also like to carve names and such into trees??  There were at least 50 trees on the disc course that were carved on.  I was more interested in all the cool looking critter holes in the trees and Dick posing like a tree. Ok it wasn't a pose but quite the throw and just ended up looking like a tree. Another great day!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Trail closed??

Been a few days and I know you all missed the entertaining and captivating news of our adventures so here we go!!!! My brother Dan came to visit and we had a great visit.  He parked his chocolate tanker just outside the park at a lumber yard and had dinner with us and sat around our 1st Michigan fire.  Dick also caught a whopper of a fish a couple of days ago.  It was so huge it broke his line!!  I had already made dinner so he threw it back.  

Sign said closed!!  Did we listen?  I don't think so!!  It has been really soggy here and just when you think it is going to dry up, it rains again and ruins our trail walks.  We only got a short distance and our path was impassible. The trail did pick up across this swamp but I wasn't going to have another near death experience!  On to plan B...the Grand River in Grand Rapids overflowed its banks a week ago and there are still some pretty swampy areas.  We found them all.  After there failed 1st trail we went closer to the river and walked a ton.  It was soggy but so nice out that I didn't care if my shoes got wet.  At this second park there was a disc golf course. Dick didn't play and from one of the pictures below you can see why.

On to the breweries! Grand Rapids area is still closed but we have been finding take out places and having fun with that.  We stopped at Elk Brewery!  CLOSED.  In Michigan there is always a plan B.  They have way to many breweries and we will stop at them all if they are in our path. We moved on to Perrin Brewery a couple of miles down the road, went in and ordered a couple different beers and some BBQ nachos and took the beer and food and ate and drank at the employee picnic table hiding on the side of the building.  Beer was great, nachos were great, walking was great, so it was just a great day!!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Wild life at last!!

Yesterday was a super needed down day.  Dick went off disc golfing and I sat at the picnic table and made a dream catcher.  I made up 25 of these kits to give out to any kids wanting something to do and I had to have an example so here it is.  Cheesy but fun! I also embellished the neck line of a great shirt I just got from my Nephew Billy Greens wife Kierra. Braided some leather and sliced the band and strung it through.  I love it!

Today we took to the woods again.  Just when I thought there was no wild life Dick finds this little cutie.  I of course did not get to close for fear of the momma deer popping out and attacking me!  As it happens we never saw the mom.  Lucky for me because I can not handle another death experience so soon.  Other treasures for the walk included a fine bird feather and this lovely piece of wood that looks like a half of an avocado.  No flowers today but a fern looking thing!
 We headed to Muskegon to check out the lake (Michigan) and the sites. The town was dead but we still had fun acting crazy being tourists. We then went to Heritage Landing  Park and practically had it all to ourselves.  We packed a picnic lunch and stopped at a store for some local beer.

There was a sad ending to our walk after lunch.  Apparently Muskegon has a Covid virus  that kills Monkeys!  Don't worry.....we didn't touch it or get to close!!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Blood Alcohol

Well yesterday we both went to give blood and today since our blood alcohol was depleted we went to a couple breweries!!  
We has a great walk in the woods at another disc golf course where I almost died again!!! A cat has nine lives but living with Dick, I believe I have an infinite number of lives.  I had to cross a swamp on a very primitive stick/log/anything that floats bridge.  I also discovered that Michigan people like bottle cap art.  Who doesn't walk through the woods and smash the bottle caps into stumps??? Our wild life for the day was a snail.  I do not think Michigan has any wild life.

Of course there were pretty flowers again on the walk and when we got done we found a covered bridge and another disc golf course to walk around on another day.

After the near death experience,  I of course needed beer so we went to one brewery, bought beer and then went to another brewery, dropped the tail gate and drank the previously purchased beer in the parking lot and phoned in our order for more beer and some wood fired pizza.  YUM!!  Memorial day weekend picnic in the brewery parking lot on the tail gate.  What could be better!!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Smells of Spring

I don't know if you can see the flowers on this tree right outside our door but it smells heavenly (or what I would imagine  heaven would smell like).  I sat out side reading about the devil and smelling heaven.  
Another day of golf so nothing super exciting. I did however take a picture of a meteor that landed on my head.  Enjoy!!