Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Two weeks ish!

We had a pretty routine week.  Nothing to wild and crazy.  Still trying to find our way here and all the things that are going to be happening over the ever so popular winter months in the south.

I got a new step counter, and it does OH so much more.  It reminds me when to drink.  I can't argue with the watch, so I may become an alcoholic while here in Arizonia!!!

Giving my knitting needles a rest for a little bit and took up needle point.  I am not sure what possessed me to do this, but I am pretty good at it.  I have all these cute little animals that I am making and will put into some patchwork quilt someday.  Not sure what I will do with it but someone is always having a baby!!

Dick got this chair in 2001 from all the great people he worked with in Sussex, WI when we were moving to Maryland.  It has served him well, but it was time.  He is not adjusting well to his new one yet but like anything takes time.  For now, we look like hillbillies with upholstered furniture on our campsite patio!!

We never made it to Mexico this week.  We did however make it to the wall.  What a site to see.  The first picture is from a distance and as we got closer it became more daunting.  Border patrol people everywhere.  We stopped at a park right by the wall and played frisbee for a while before being confronted by Mormons on bikes. You would have thought we would be attacked by bandits at the wall and not Mormons.  We listened politely and it became clear to them we were more interested in catching our frisbee that hearing them preach so they moved on.

 What character this tree has!! And this is me in my Marylin Monroe pose!!

We went to the 8th anniversary party at Prison Hill Brewery in town and watched the Badgers game and had some pretty decent beer and some awesome nachos!!  


Week 2

We went to check out a ghost town.  It is an old mining town that was abandoned I guess and turned into a museum.  We didn't go into the mine.  $75 was kind of pricy to go in a hole in the ground and we went on a mine tour last month.  Couldn't have been that much different.
It was a self-guided tour and there was a lot to see.

We have been living here freely for about a month and have not had to work at all.  That comes to an end next Monday.  We begin our kitchen duties on Monday prepping food for the grand opening on Tuesday.  Dick in a kitchen!!! This should be funny!!  Until then.....still swimming and enjoying the beautiful weather!
Not sure what this is that showed up in my picture, but it was kind of spooky cool!!

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