Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Work and Play

 Well, we finally started working!  Lived here almost a month freely and happy to be contributing for our site.  

As you may know we are working only on Monday and Tuesday from 7:30-1:30 a total of 24 hours each for our site which includes $200 in electricity.  Now if you go on and figure it out it's not the greatest deal in the whole world but it is where we want to be for the winter months, and it is super easy work.  Dick may tell you differently.  He has never worked in a kitchen so this is all new to him but he is doing great or so they tell him. I work the grill, fryer, and server up daily specials for Breakfast and lunch, and he is kind of a gopher doing whatever someone who knows there way around a kitchen tells him to do.  Two days won't kill us so no death in the kitchen this week.  

The rest of the time we spend hanging out in the sunny weather going walking about, shopping, Good Willing, and beer drinking. Dick has made some friends at the golf course, and he plays with them every Sunday morning.  He also has worked his way into a couple poker games in the card room here at the resort.  We are going tonight to play Pokeno and Cribbage.  So many things to do here that one would never have to leave but leave we do!!

Here are a few pictures I took when at the beer festival we happened to find.  I search for all the cool stuff and Dick just comes along for the fun.  There are so many festivals in this area in the winter because it is their busy season.  Dead as a door nail in the hot, hot summer.  I can't wait for the balloon fest the 18th-19th and the Tamale fest next week.  We haven't hit up the flea markets yet, but they are said to be great.  We need nothing but it's always fun to look.  

I almost died on the bathroom floor of the camper when we returned from the beer fest.  I didn't eat before drinking and you know what that means.  BEER - FOOD= PUKE!!  It was a great time while we were there though!!

To end this, I will leave you with pictures from my walk near the Colorado River at the Disc golf course.  So many pretty flowers and some weird things.  Yes, the tree is upside down because it looks cooler that way!!  ART IS SUBJECTIVE!!!  dah!!   Just ignore any word that may have been written before.  I forget what the heck I write from week to week and may repeat myself.  

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