Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Stock Piling Give Aways

What a productive week!! I have made so many things these past few weeks.  I won't post Christmas things until next week so you can enjoy Thanksgiving.  I made a butterfly patch.  For what I do not know.  Perhaps I will get a hole in my britches or put it on a shirt or jacket.  It turned out pretty good.
I also finished all the embroidery farm animals for my down on the farm baby blanket.  I know someone will have a baby that I can give this to.  A couple of nephews and a niece are getting married this next year so you never know if they are going to choose to bring children into this world, but I will be ready.


Dick and I took a drive to the BLM land this past week to check out all the free camping.  It was an awesome trip past lots of date palms and lots of farm land.  So many trees all in a row and so pretty!!

The land was a great big wide open flat space, and it was beginning to fill up with campers.  There are


thousands of people who travel to the desert to live for free in the winter. Of course, you have to be pretty resourceful, but they live and learn each year and come back yearly.

We have discovered with the help of friends and fellow campers that Arizona has way too much to offer to see it all in one season.  I am sure we will try to visit as much as we can with in the distance we can travel in a day.  Most of the restaurants and bars have outdoor spaces and sunsets are beautiful every night.  There is very little rain here, so it is perfect for all these businesses to leave all their stuff outside.

Yikes, who on earth is this ugly creature?  Along with all this dry beautiful weather comes the awful dry skin.  I really don't do this often, but it was scarry fun.  Dick was out playing poker, or he may have been staring at me making me laugh and my face would have cracked off!!

Checked out Mexico this week.  What a weird place.  We were attacked by every vendor in the town.
We did not go to shop, and we did not go to eat or drink.  We went to check out the dentist that was recommended and made apts. to get our teeth cleaned next week.  I also booked a night at the hotel for February a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to check that place out.  I figure if we stay overnight, I can drink as many margaritas as I want!!!  We had fun and will have fun when we return for dentist.  Hopefully we will cross early and go get some breakfast tacos so the dentist can clean out some lettuce from our teeth.  Make um work for our American dollars. We bought a couple of bottles of Tequilla, so I guess we did shop a bit. Great prices on alcohol and drugs.  Did I tell you that you don't need a prescription for anything in Mexico.  You just go up to the counter and ask for what you want and BAM....they give it to you at half the cost of more of the drugs in the USA.  Of course, there are no narcotics, but I have enough of those already!! Never took many of those after all my surgeries, and I am sure as I age and have more pains they will come in handy.   Everyone speaks English in this town, and it is said to be the safest border town.  The town of Los Algodones is our friend, and they have more dentists and eye doctors than anywhere I have ever seen.  Kind of like the bars in Wisconsin!!! 

It was on to the Date farm this week for more fun.  We learned all about how dates are grown and had an awesome date and bacon grilled sandwich.  Bonus....the place was also a brewery.  They are just in the beginning stages of this brewery so there were not many beers, but the place was awesome.  Middle of nowhere and on another dirt road full of more desert dust.  My nose is so dry that I have to pick ax out the boogers!! Man, it is dusty here. 

Balloon fest was awesome.  Chilly cold before the sun comes up but totally worth the experience.  We watched them all launch then went and chased them down to the landing zone.  Had a blast!!

That's all folks!!


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