Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Moving South

 Didn't do to much more in Prescott!  Really.....just how many bars can one visit and drink in. It was a cool place and another town I could live in.  It's always the goal to find cool places to live if we ever decide to quit rolling.  I've probably said this already and will probably say it again.

We ditched the luxury of electricity and camped on some free government land (BLM). Not black lives matter (they do) but Bureau of Land Management. We drove around to a bunch of places you can camp for free.  I am sure these places are packed in the winter with hardy snowbirds, but today it was us and the cactus.  It was beautiful and different.  No shade trees and green grass or green vegetation, but still pretty!!  We only stayed here for one night and know that we will certainly utilize the free land that the government provides us with in the future.  It is the governments, so you just never know how long it will remain free.  Use it, before we lose it!!

Travel time is on hold.  This doesn't mean we won't have adventures so do all you FANS & FAMILY worry.  We pulled into Del Pueblo and settled in.  We do not have to start any work until the 20th so we will explore the area and find all the disc golf and grocery stores.  The park is kind of dead right now.  I guess all the snowbirds are enjoying the fall weather and pretty tree colors before they head down here.  There are 487 sites here and they will be full by January.  I guess this is a park people get on a waiting list to be in for the winter.  

I will take better pictures some time, but this is the emptiness next to us for now which is just peachy.  The spaces are nice and roomy, so we are not packed in like sardines!  We settled, did our laundry and figured out what we needed to.  Life is good as was the Mexican food we ate at this colorful restaurant. If only they made good margaritas!!  Oh well I am certain we will find them down here somewhere.

I hid under this tree while Dick disc golfed.  Man it is still blazing hot down here!  How do they survive the summer heat.  I will be so glad when it cools off.  The weather people say a cool down is coming. They consider 85 a cool temp!!  YIKES!  I may die of heat stroke!!  
SO..........Lettuce is a big thing down here.  They ever have a lettuce festival.  Doesn't that sound exciting.  I will let you know just how exciting after I figure out when it is and after we go.  I mean really....can you live in the lettuce capital of the country without going to a lettuce festival. I am sure it will be more interesting than I make it sound. Stay tuned!!  Anyhow this is how it is planted.  Each raised row has 3 rows of lettuce.  There are field upon field of this stuff. Kind of cool looking and interesting.  Maybe I will go on a tour or maybe just read up on it!!  I will let you all know when the festival is just in case you want to come on down an experience all the excitement.

We drove about an hour to the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge to see ZERO wildlife.  We believe that Arizona has no wildlife.  We have seen many a sign saying watch out for wildlife. Deer, antelope, donkeys, etc. Even a dead one on the side of the road would have made us happy.  Anyhow this wildlife refuge was said to have the largest herd of long horned sheep.  There were none but that was OK.  We had a grueling hike up the canyon and saw pretty all around.  We could have hiked a few more hours but Dick didn't brink his water and the hell if I was going to share mine.  I am not going to die in the wilderness from lack of water from sharing. My luck I would pass out and a herd of long horns would trot by and spit on me for not believing they existed!!

This is the palms in the canyon!

I know it doesn't look like we were up that high, but our truck is a tiny dot in one of these pictures and I was getting woozie from the thin air.  OK not really. I don't get woozie just boozie!😂😂
I took a half selfie for you to enjoy & look how good I am getting at foot selfies!!

Cactus, cactus, everywhere!

After the desert hike, we needed a rest so there wasn't much that happened.  We walked around a bunch at the resort and took a few pictures. This is life!

Lastly, we hit up the Goodwill and got a cool rug and a shirt!  Yea, that is exciting info. Heading to Mexico next week!  Stay tuned.  We might die at the WALL!!


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