Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

More Wild, Wild West (a longer post than normal)

 Wide open spaces!  I will never cease to be amazed by how far the eye can see when we are driving around in the west. You can see for miles and miles.  Some of it is pretty and some not so much.  The land is dotted with abandoned houses & rusty crap all over the place.  Where did these people go, and can I just move in and renovate??? 

We headed out to a disc golf course 1st thing.  It is good to get out and walk around after driving.  This is a picture of me disc golfing. Ok it is really just shadow art!!

I know you probably think this is just a dead tree in the desert but it is so much more!!  It is a dead UGLY tree in the desert!! Where are my shade trees?  I still think it is kind of pretty!!

Back to the camper for some dinner and a small walk about!  This is our fine set up for cooking! We be tailgaters everywhere we go. Some pretty awesome food can come from this set up!!                                         

Headed a little more south to Bisbee, AZ to tour a mine and walk about this quirky, artsy fartsy little town.  We had an awesome mine tour.  I just can not imagine who would be crazy enough to go into a mine, blow holes in a wall when you are hundreds of feet underground, then figure out how to shovel it out and push it to the surface! It was actually pretty cool and I would recommend everyone do a tour like this if you get the chance.  You just never know how hard people really work until you enter a mine and get some edgeamacation.

This was the highlight of the tour.  Maybe not, but it sure was funny.  I guess when you gotta go there better be a place to!!  Actually, a rail car that is pushed out when full.  Nothing like shitting with a friend!!

We hit up a super dive bar after the tour with so much cool stuff on the walls that my eyeballs were bugging out.

 This could be our new home!!

I ditched Dick for the afternoon and went to town for diner on my own.  Had a great time a local saloon with live music and great food and drink.

Tomestone in a day!!  We woke up, ate our breakfast and headed to the OK Corral.  Took in the live show of some people killing each other and had a great time.  This town has much history, and it was super fun to look at all the old stuff.  Lots of old pictures and wild west stuff. Went to an old theatre/whorehouse/saloon as well and were fascinated with all the old stuff and history of this building.

I belong in a surry with the fringe on top!!

I would have had to stuff Dick in this small coffin🤣

We were taken back in time for sure!!  What a day!  Dead tired!

                  Onward ho!
Plane's, Plane's everywhere. What a cool museum!
Looking kinds small here!

Who the heck can memorize all these buttons. I would surely press the wrong one and die!!

On to more disc golf & beer at a pretty cool park in Fountain Hills AZ.  The brewery was one of the most entertaining I've ever been in. There was an in the brewery scavenger hunt that was awesome. Tons of spooky skull, potion, dead stuff all over and you had to find certain things. Bartenter would  quiz you before he gave you the prize. Some of the most excellent beer too!

Moved on to Scottsdale, AZ to visit for just the night with Dicks Aunt Karen & cousins Tom and Neil. Fun was had if even for a short time.

Cottonwood & Clarkdale AZ

We made it to our camp spot in Prescott, AZ and headed out up and down a mountain with so many twists and tight turns that I was glad we were not towing the trailer or I surely would have died. The disc golf was again uneventful for me. Just a dusty walk with a lot of dead stuff. One lone flower and what sounded like anaconda sized rattle snakes.  🐍 Around every corners I peaked awaiting certain death. Still alive cause I am writing this story of my life!

We went to a couple breweries and saw some pretty scenery then headed back to camp for our fancy dinner. Enjoy the pictures. Tomorrow we begin a new blog.

More wild west next week! Whiskey Row in Prescott & Arrival to Yuma! Del Pueblo...


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