Well I almost died again!! Just kidding. No near death experiences for you to laugh at today but I am going grocery shopping so there may be one when I walk down the isle the wrong way!! I just can not get use to those arrows!
Dick did go golfing again and for those of you who don't disc golf, you don't know what you are missing. A walk in the woods is always a good thing & I am glad he lets me walk around with him. Finding wayward discs in the woods is one of my caddy duties. This rarely happens and I am not going to carry his bag so I guess I am not a really good caddy. There are times when I have to catch up with him (if you can believe that) because I am lolly gaging looking at nature.
We are truly outdoor people. We have yet to turn on the AC and sit inside. Yes it has been hot but we can walk across the road and jump in a lake. I have a shirt that says go jump in a lake! Of course it is directed at all the others out there because we are almost the only adult swimmers/floaters.
I took a picture of this toast at a brewery. It made me think of a song by Haywood Banks call
"Yeah Toast". Everyone should listen to this song. It is crazy but funny!! There are a couple versions but I think the earliest ones to be the best. There was also some great rooster art at a brewery made from a cans. I love art almost as much as nature!! You wouldn't know that from my lack of pictures but I will try to show you more in the future, maybe.
We are looking forward to more family visiting this weekend so watch for family pictures. Here is one I forgot to post from when Charley and Steve visited.
Quote of the day is a new thing I will be adding at the end of blog so you all can ponder on what the heck they mean.
How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults,
or resolution enough to mend them!
I love the quote.