I know you all thought that I would not post today. HA!!! I showed you!!!
We have been in Kentucky since Wednesday and have seen so many friends and we have so many more to catch up with. We will not get the opportunity see to everyone and that makes me sad😢. Life goes on and we will spend the next few days doing all that we can.
We have moved a few times in our life, been to many places and met so many unforgettable people, and we feel so lucky to have the opportunity to live the life we do.
Living in a tiny home on wheels has its challenges, but none too tough that we cannot tackle together. Key word there in case you didn't notice!!! Together!!! There are times I could have strangle my better half but then that whole "together" thing wouldn't work. I am sure he has suffered the wrath of Dawn way too many times, but this year we celebrated 35 years together so how hard can another 35 be!!?
So... on to the adventures!!! We went disc golfing to a course that Dick was pretty familiar with and were pleasantly surprised at how Frankfort had cleaned up this beautiful park. Dick did however throw a wayward disc and we spent quite some time looking for it amongst the weeds. We found someone else's disc during our search and I was totally almost maybe attached by the guy in the picture below. Scared the crap out of me. Camo on a shelled creature is just not a good idea!! We found his disc finally and moved on.
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