Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Kentucky was a blast!

So glad we went to visit friends, revisit golf course, parks and breweries and strike a bargain for some honey!!!  SCORE!!


Our Son in Law Dan has recently become a beekeeper but he has not had any honey yet.  Soon enough we will bargain with him.  I love bartering!! This stuff is so good and we are so very happy to have Walt as a friend!!

I spit shined the truck and my arm still hurts from wax on, wax off.  She sure is pretty though.  Hopefully she will take us another 250 thousand miles!

We had to pay to do laundry for the 1st time in a year and a half.  It was freaky sitting in the little campground laundry once again.  I did however notice that they hadn't changed the signs I put up since we were here 1-1/2 years ago.  I never asked if I could do so then and I am glad they kept them up.  A few commonsense rules never hurt anyone. You would not believe the idiot who didn't shake out their dog bedding or rugs before washing!!  I hate dog hair in my clothes.  SIGNS WORK!!

We spend a few hours in East Frankfort Park disc golfing and checking out all the improvements that this park has made. Super impressed.  Thank you, Kentucky Government for not letting this little gem go to waste! We also found big piles of firewood, but Dick wouldn't carry it back for me!!  I guess I could have asked but I just thought he'd say no so lets just say he wouldn't!!

Goodbye Frankfort and all our friends and we will see you next time we are passing through.  On to Effingham, IL to get a our second shingles shot.  We went to the QUAD MED there because it was free for us.  $250 this thing cost at the pharmacy.  What a racket!!!  A few miles out of the way and more disc golf and beer.  MY ARM is killing me!!  Who would have thunk that a shingle shot hurt so many days after.  At least I got a blingy band aide.

Kind of a frightening piece of art!  Dang hoodlums!!

We were off and running to Columbus, MO.  Apparently, there is a super fabulous disc golf course there.  WELL, I almost died.  There were elevation changes, steps and hills just about everywhere. Streams and gullies filled with water and drop off that if you lost a would be certain death to try to find it.  Luckily Dick is a pretty great shot, and I didn't lose him because there is no way in hell I was going after any wayward discs!!

In Columbus we found a neat little brewer Bur Oak, and they let us stay in their parking lot for the night.  This is always a good thing because then we can hang out longer, drink more and chit chat with other people until we start to slur.  Just kidding!! We are not raging alcoholics! Just alcoholics! 😲
We hung out and played card and cribbage, ate a pizza because pizza is LIFE, then headed out the back door and crashed.

We rolled a couple hours down the road to our sister in laws brother house for the night.  Nice to know people all over.  It is completely stupid and insane to park at a campground for a night and pay upwards of $50 sometimes when there are so many places to stay for free.  NOT just family and friend houses but so many places you can stay for free if you are smart like me!!  HA HA!! 
We left our free night and traveled on to Great Bend Kansas. Dam near had our house picked up by the wind. If it had been I am sure it world have landed on a wicked witch 🧙‍♀️! Traveling on tomorrow and no internet so you get a post a day early!! Happy days are always ahead!


1 comment:

  1. Love 📚 these. I'm 😊 you didn't die. Safe travels. We'll see you around.
