Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Shore

Apparently people say they are going to the shore when the go to visit Lake Michigan.  I would feel kind of hoity toity saying that so let's just call it the beach. We had a great day on Sunday at a new different disc golf course.  This is the 11th different one thus far in Michigan and when we were done we went to the local market in the middle of no where to have a gourmet lunch of roller brats🌭, sour cream and onion chips and a heavy weight Founders stout🍺.  Fine dining at its best in the cab of the truck. Dick only dropped his twice resulting in ketchup everywhere. Thank goodness for baby wipes. We fine dine so regularly in the truck that these are a must. On to the beach where the water was warm and the waves kept us rocking. I feel like I got a total ab work out from this swim and need not exercise for the rest of the year. 

We saw some lovely theaving sea gull and stole some rocks off a kids sand castle too.
Calm down people, it was an abandoned castle!!

Today Dick rode the bike to the donunt shop while I slept.  We were not planning on doing much of anything today when I got this great idea to take apart and clean our three ceiling fans. We have done this before numerous times and each and every time it totally grosses me out. How can a neat freak like me get so much gunked up stuff in my fans. I almost died today while cleaning when a dead stink bug fell in my eyeball.😳 They are all shiny now and I just hope none of this crapola fell in the meatloaf I was making at the same time. 

                                   ~There's many witty men whose brains can't fill their bellies.~

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Funny $#!+

Short but funny! 

Yesterday, we went to pick up our usual 3 dozen fresh eggs from the local farmer.  They have a little girl maybe 4 who is always a chatty cathy.
Anyhow I go to the door, the mother goes to get eggs and she starts yimmer yammering. She looks to the truck and asks me, "Why is my Dad a police man?" Apparently Dick has a new profession.🤣😂 and he looks like my Dad.🙃
~If you have guests merry with cheer, be so yourself, or so least appear.~

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Well, we have been missing in action for a couple days or maybe a week + but have been keeping ourselves busy as always. 

I must say if you care about grammer or spelling you should not read my posts.  In hast to post sometimes I do not proof read.  If you are as intelligent as I beleive you all are, you know what I mean reguardless of my errors.  Just had to put that out there. I have reread some of my posts and wondered if I drank to much prior to many of them. 

Anyhow, back to more important things....

Our Michigan days are winding down and we will be moving farther from family so we took a short trip to Wisconsin this week to visit family. It is always fun to see everyone and catch up on what everyone is up to.  There was a birthday party, lots of Pizza eating,  a little repair work on Dicks Moms place, some weeding,  some beer, some margaritas, & one really cute kid.  This family continues to grow and by the time we get back to this area there may be more cutie pies to occupy our time. Of course there was chocolate too.  My insane brother (very similiar to Willy Wonka)  has pounds and pounds of chocolate at his home that he forces on his family (he delivers liquid chocolate) and I fear we will never run out and continue to grow fatter as we get older.

We didn't take a lot of pictures on our adventure but we sure had fun.  I took a couple of walk and on the second walk I had extreme pain in my ankle. Just another body part failing me. I had to walk a 1/2 a mile to get back and it was like a death experience.  

This guy should run the country!!

~No matter how far you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.~

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Blueberry Creeper

I found this crazy creeper whilst picking blueberries! If you see him out there....RUN!!  He is described as  having blue lips, blue tongue, and blue stained shirt. 
This was our 1st blueberry picking experience and afterwards I made blueberry bread and blueberry biscuits. Both were fabulous with the fresh berries. We picked enough to freeze, so if anyone is in the neighborhood....blueberry pacakes!!!

After picking we hit up the local pub for beers and grub to sustain us out on the disc golf course that we found at a church. We were nearly attacked by a sheep and a shephard and I would say this was our near death experience but we are all lost sheep and I personally look for the shepard to lead me. 

It was a sandy course with no flowers but I was able to find a ton of pine cones to paint.
(I know you all can not wait to see that project)!

Today I also found things in my cupboards that I didn't know I had and Dick played on his phone with the internet/mode company getting us more connected. 
The stress if this all caused us to go to one of the local breweries to listen to a Greatful Dead band and drink! 

**He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows, nor judge all he sees.**

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Beautiful weather and Stuff

We have been spending time with beautiful people in this beautiful fall like weather. I gota say Michigans west winds off the lake have kept us quite comfortable this summer.

Saturday started out with Dick getting hit by a car on his bike.  Fear not!  He has a hard head and dented the guys car.  The bikes rear derailer was bent but we got that fixed already and he has a cut on his leg which in true Gogin fashion he just wiped off.  It will get infected and I will not care!  Other than that he is fine.  probably would have been worse if he had not landed on the hood and rolled off.  He took it easy the rest of the day and we partied hard with the neighbors later on. They had a bottle share and tacos for dinner.  Everyone brings beer and we taste all the goods.  It progressed into bourbon and  I am sure he was feeling no pain at the end of the night but still took some drugs.  There was a beautiful sunset that evening as well!!

On Monday we had some special visitors from Kentucky!  Dona and Troy!!  Yippy!! Troy is from Michigan so they were up here visiting family.  We went to an amazing Jerky place and I spent $80 on jerky and beef sticks!  I love jerky!  We hung out for a bit and went to a brewery and we all had a near death experience when these concrete fish jumped out of the grass and nearly killed us.   It was a great day and great to see these amazing people again.  We will definately visit them again when we are in Kentucky the 1st week of October.

Some of the Barrel train rider kids made us some pictures to thank us for all the awesome  rides.
This was so sweet!!

Today we went to the woods again and of course I had to take flower/nature pictures. There was a super sappy tree!  It was probably crying because its friend tree next door got cut down.  There were lots of butterflies out and many flowers.  Some were probably weeds.  If it grows it flowers!!  Some pretty orange shrooms too. 

**They who have nothing to trouble them, will be troubled at nothing.**