Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Pre Anniversary

We had the most wonderful day!!  There was Cream of Wheat for breakfast, beer on the way to the zoo (the zoo was awesome in Grand Rapids), disc golf and then more beer and food.  LIFE IS GOOD!! 

The Zoo was so cool that it was like lego land!!  There were so so so many lego animals that I almost forgot to look at the real animals.  Every zoo is awesome and so different. I know that zoos will be on my go to list forever.  You always see something new and different.  There were so many active animals and reptiles today.  What fun.  We packed a lunch and watched monkeys while dining.  Sorry no real animal pictures. You have seen them all so Lego pics will have to do!!

We saw this really cool truck in the disc golf parking lot.  OH YEA, its ours!!  We knew we drove the coolest truck out there but it is all the more cool with our Batman sun thingy!! 

This is a picture of us in case you forgot what we look like!  Dick has to set up the timer and we have to try to look good for many many moments before it actually takes a picture.  Sometime is works, sometimes it doesn't.  We try!!  Dick also thinks he has to take action picture of me walking so here is one of those as well. Yes, I can walk and look half way decent.

There were flowers a ton today but I choose art as my closing picture. I always take a good look at the wild and crazy things people make and wonder what the @#$% is going through their minds while making this cool stuff.  I love art almost as much as flowers (maybe more). This one had so many moving part and was just amazing to watch after a few beers. Just a blowing in the wind!!

**At the working mans house hunger looks in, but dares not enter**

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Empty Train

Well I think it happened!!  The 6 kids that are in the park got bored with riding the train.  We went for our 10am morning run and no one showed up.  How depressing! NOT really.  There is always morning drinking to fill the void!  A little bourbon cream in the coffee to start the day and figure our our daily plan before our 7pm run is not a bad thing and then the bourbon cream in the cold coffee for an afternoon caffeine fix works for me too!!

We went disc golfing at Grand River Park yesterday and I found a shit ton of feathers for my collection that is certainly growing and flowers this time of year are hard to come by but I can always spot the color amongst the green!!  We went golfing in western Michigan again today as well and hit up a little brewery afterwards.  Dick says we dis 30 holes but I didn't count. We love walking in the parks and the woods. I know it isn't for everyone, but there is nothing better than the peacefulness of nature! 

I also got a lesson on how to play the bodhran from our neighbors.  Good thing we did that lesson pre drinking.  It is way more difficult than it looks.  She told me that she teaches walk up students at festivals on pizza boxes.  If pizza was included, I would be a professional by now!!
Smiles and laughter are a part of our everyday life.  Hope you have many smiles and lots of laughter today. Accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative makes the world a much happier place!

**Speak little, do Much**

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Alone again

Well we made it back to Michigan from all of our adventures to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio.!  Apparently we made an impression on lots of people because many have stopped to welcome us back.  We had a wonderful time with family.  Recovery is slow.  Family fun can drain an old person like me!! 

Now it is back to the grind!  The stressful job of driving the barrel train!  OH the horror of working 4 hours a week!  LIG (Life Is Good).  Today it is raining and we will not be making our 11am run.  I guess we just sit around and eat pancakes and watch tv for a bit until the rain stops.  We so needed the rain.  Our neighbor waters his lawn and we rely on mother nature. It looks like the tropics over on his lot and the desert on ours.  Walking on our grass was getting pretty prickly so bring on the rain.

This coming week is packed with fun.  Giving blood, getting a tanua cover for the truck, & shopping at the going out of business JC Penney. I am sure there will be more exciting things but for now just glad to be back in home (home is where you park it).   

**A traveler should have a hog's nose, a deer's legs, & an ass's back.**

Monday, July 13, 2020


We had ALL the fun with our grand kids and my family and Dick's this week.  It was worth the drive from Michigan to Waukesha to Fountain City on the west side of Wisconsin on the Mississippi then back to Michigan and now our way to drop of grand kids in Pittsburgh area for there parents to pick them up. I sure hope they show up cause I am worn out

We had quite the gang in the sand bar and although I had no near death experience....the inner tube was whipping people all over the place and there were 55 + year old people out there skiing and thinking they were 16 again. Lots of wipe outs and probably lots of pain meds later on. 

I got to make my comfy sand chair and the weather was perfect all the days we spent with family!!
Food, Family & Fun. Life is good!
~Lost time is never found again~

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Busy days

Been a bit so I thought I would catch you up on the fam.  We had more visitors.  Alex, Andy, Brennan, Stephen, Lily and Roni!  So very, very hot here in MI that we swam most of the time.  Lots of good Grandkid pictures!  It has been a while so I probably went overboard taking pictures.  I won't bore you with to many. 

We are still having fun with just the Grands.  Their parents forgot to take them home with them so we are stuck with them until next Monday.  We are heading to Wisconsin on Wednesday to visit family there.  It will be much fun to be out on the Mississippi River again swimming with the family and the barges.  It will be a family gathering so we won't be mooning the workers on the passing watercraft but I am sure will will find something crazy to do.  I look forward to digging my sand chair and planting my umbrella and getting loads of sand up my butt!!

Today we pack the truck and head out early to Waukesha. Hopefully we will have a peaceful ride.  
We are not use to the "he's touching me" or "are we there yet", but I am sure we will survive if I keep the road snack to sugar free!!!  But NO  I am the grandma and it is my job to sugar them up and feed them ALL the junk food!!!

~After Crosses and losses, men grow humbler and wiser~

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Happy July

Well I almost died again!!  Just kidding.  No near death experiences for you to laugh at today but I am going grocery shopping so there may be one when I walk down the isle the wrong way!!  I just can not get use to those arrows!

Dick did go golfing again and for those of you who don't disc golf, you don't know what you are missing.  A walk in the woods is always a good thing  & I am glad he lets me walk around with him.  Finding wayward discs in the woods is one of my caddy duties. This rarely happens and I am not going to carry his bag so I guess I am not a really good caddy.   There are times when I have to catch up with him (if you can believe that) because I am lolly gaging looking at nature. 

We are truly outdoor people.  We have yet to turn on the AC and sit inside.  Yes it has been hot but we can walk across the road and jump in a lake.  I have a shirt that says go jump in a lake!  Of course it is directed at all the others out there because we are almost the only adult swimmers/floaters.

I took a picture of this toast at a brewery.  It made me think of a song by Haywood Banks call 
"Yeah Toast".  Everyone should listen to this song. It is crazy but funny!! There are a couple versions but I think the earliest ones to be the best.  There was also some great rooster art at a brewery made from a cans.  I love art almost as much as nature!!  You wouldn't know that from my lack of pictures but I will try to show you more in the future, maybe.
We are looking forward to more family visiting this weekend so watch for family pictures.  Here is one I forgot to post from when Charley and Steve visited.

Quote of the day is a new thing I will be adding at the end of blog so you all can ponder on what the heck they mean.

How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults,
or resolution enough to mend them!