Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Moooving on!!

Our time here in Texas is winding down.  Although we have had a great time....It is time to move on.  The Care Center has been an amazing place to volunteer.  We have been so lucky to have gained so much  knowledge from the residents who have had years of travel and experience.  We will miss all the residents and if passing by Livingston in the future, we will stop in!!

These last days have been busy with spring cleaning, gardening, and moving lot of stuff from one place to another.   I think you should also know that I almost died from some poisonous thing that was in the seed heads I was splitting or the dirt that I was digging.  I had to be put on some serious steroid to get rid of the itch/rash.  All better now but it was touch and go there for a second!!!

Alaska was calling this year and wanted us up there but we chose to wait until next year.  Canada is being stupid and we are not vacinated and have no intent to do so and they may or may not let us in even with employment/volunteer paperwork.  OH WELL!!  Next year is fine with us.  

There are so many people in this life style that plan, plan, plan, and get dissapointed if things don't work out.  We plan a little, but rarely make reservations and just go with the flow.  We figure that when one door closes, another one opens!!

California here we come.  Redwood trees and the Pacific Ocean are calling.  Kamp Klamath in Klamath, CA is where we will be for the summer volunteering at what looks like an awesome place.  

Kamp Klamath

If anyone is in the area.....come visit us.

In route to California we will get to visit two of our 3 daughters!  Always exciting to see family.  Charley/Steve & Roni/Dan will be in Albuquerque, NM where we plan to spend 4 days galavanting around the area eating all kind of good food and hopefully finding some good beer.  We don't have to be to the Camp in California until May 1st, so we will have some other adventures along the way and hopefully have some pictures.  We haven't been taking to many little adventure here since we have been busy, busy, busy & I know you all miss my nature pictures!  I probably should take more pictures of my near death experiences too so you will all beleive how terribly dangerous it is out hear in retirement land!!

                 Hope you all have a great Easter and somebody makes you these cute pancakes!!

 When life feels too big to handle, go outside.  
Everything looks smaller when you're standing under the sky!!

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