Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Called out!!!

I was recently called out for being a lazy ass blogger.  Now this unidentified person (lives in Valley Brook subdivision and her initials are M N ) did not actually say that but she may as well have. 

We have kept busy doing the usual....hiking, disc golfing & long walks on the beach.   F&%$ that, the beach is overrated.  Who in there right mind likes to walk on sand. About all I want to do on a beach is build a sand castle and sit my fat ass in the surf and flail around like a beached whale. 

It is so much more peaceful to walk in the woods and watch for wild life and smell the trees, leaves and flowers.  Occasionally there is dog shit left behind by some total schmuck, and I cuss out dogs very loudly!! Every walk/hike has something different.  I broke in my new hiking boots this week as well.  NO this isn't dog shit. If it was I would have thrown out the boots!!!  San Antonio has a large park system  and trails that all  seem to connect!!  A biker, hiker, runner, walkers dream to be sure.  We have been to so many and there are so many more yet to explore!  

This week we are in search of wild boar.  We have seen dead ones, but never live ones.  We head north later this week to check out another area.  We know there are thousands of deer in this area and hopefully there will be some boar to.  I have my trusty hiking stick ready to beat them off if we do find any.  On the way home from one of our hikes we scanned the roadside but didn't see any boar either.  There were sightings but they turned out to be a dead dog, a dead coyote, a bag of leaves, a tire tread and the most promising sighting was a bundled up dead blanket. Not exactly the boar we were hoping for but I guess we would rather see a live one instead of a dead one.

The landscape of the Texas is different from what most of you may know.  There are trees and under brush but you CAN NOT drop your pants and pee in the woods without being seen for miles.  The trees are so skinny that you can not hide behind them either.  You all may remember the old cartoon where the giant pink elephant was trying to hide behind the skinny tree......well that was me and this old cartoon was probably modeled after Texas trees.  Lesson learned.......go to the bathroom before hiking!!

I met this crazy guy in a bar and he bought me a Michilada.  Probably spelled that wrong but who cares about spelling!  It is a beer mixed with tomato juice & rimmed with spicy salty goodness.   Yes we still go out during covid times.  During the day when the crowds are almost non existent and we are trying to stay safe and keeping to the outdoors!  Fear not.  Life is good!  We are heading to visit family in Wisconsin next week so I am sure there will be an adventure to report after that trip.

**Work as if you were to live 100 years.  Pray as if you were to die tomorrow.**

1 comment:

  1. It's not fair to cuss out the dog, it's job is to poop! Cuss out the inconsiderate dog owner, lazy assholes!
