We are entering the final days here in San Antonio!! It has been so much fun visiting with Dicks sister! We dragged her out to the disc golf course a few time, drank to much beer with her, made her be a tourist in her own town, watched her play soccer a couple time, ate to much food with her and rearranged her house. Probably turned her world upside down for the past three months but we wanna believe she loved every minute of it. I know we did.
We got Covid, lost our taste and smell and almost died!! Just kidding, we didn't almost die. Covid was pretty much a non event for us but know that is not the case with many. Hopefully we won't get it again. We have no intentions of getting the vaccine when finally becomes available to regular people but you never know. I wear my non compliant mask and we feel we are a safe as we wanna be. This is me not giving Davy Crocket the covid!!
As usual we have been out hiking, and doing a little bit of last minute touristy things. Some sort of relation to Dick came to visit for a couple days and we have been having a blast with the sisters Jess and Jackie. So glad they choose San Antonio for their little get away. Fun people and lots of laughs and catching up. They came from Wisconsin just in time to watch the PACKER playoff game and we walked around the River Walk and drank with them. They forced us to drink. Couldn't taste a dam thing but we sure tried!!
When we leave the CARE Center we will be heading to northern California!!! We need to see giant trees and the Pacific Ocean!! I know there will be many an adventure once we get there. Check out the campground if you like. www.kampklamath.com