Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Monday, October 12, 2020


Heading west through Missouri, we knew there would be more junkyards but never expected all the unique junkyards. We couldn't stop to take picture on the road we were on because there were no shoulders but we saw a soda machine junk yard and a construction equipment junkyard. There were also lots of car junkyards too. Sorry no junk pictures but they would have been awesome.

We got to our nightly destination (10/11) which was a casino.  We could have camped at a campground but why pay $40 dollars to stay one night when you can camp for free at most casinos & take that campground money and double it at the casino. Electric & water  are included with these free spots.  We visited with the Buffalo before heading inside to multiply our money but broke even. That's ok because then there was the beer money to play with now and just by chance there was a brewery! Yeah for us!!

We headed across Oklahoma which by the way is super boring most of the time and there were no stops for anything exciting. Ended up at another casino.  Still had our gambling money from the previous stop so tried our luck again and ended up even again.  We took a little walk and watched the sun set beyond the wind farm. 

Off tomorrow to a brewer in Amarillo, TX then to a campground in Tucumari, NM for two nights to replenish water and get rid of yucky water and stuff.  Should probably do laundry too.

                              * The most exquisite Folly is made of Wisdom spun to fine.*



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