Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Packing up!!

We are begining the pack up, put away, & get rid of process here in Michigan. We definately saw a bunch of stuff here but have missed so much of this state. How can you see it all??  YOU CAN'T!!  If you try to cram it all into a couple of months, you will constantly be on the run and not enjoy your life. We can always come back.  That is the beauty of our retirement life style. 

We are in total relax mode almost all of the time. There is seldom a scheduled day and there is an adventure everyday. It may be to a new golf course, brewery, hiking trail or it just may be to sit outside and watch the grass grow(that is a thing you know).   We spent an hour watching dam fish!!!  It was so cool.  Kind of reminded me of the millions of jumping salmon in Alaska but not!!

We have met some pretty awesome people here in Michigan and I am certain we will meet some pretty awesome people where ever we go. Camping people have always been so friendly and helpf and Michigan people have not disapointed.  For fun we all make fun of how people back in their rigs and yes, we stare at people whos dogs are crapping so they are sure to pick it up! There certainly is a different kind of entertainment that goes along with our life style but we all laugh together and have fun.  We were asked to come back to this campground to volunteer again but declined.  Adventure awaits in another state.

We took another hike in the woods and found a giant mushroom thing.  Fear not, we didn't eat it and almost die.  There was another bottle cap art thing on this walk and lot of tall trees.  I was hoping this state had more wild life but thus far it has been pretty boring.  Maybe New Mexico will have more.  Maybe a scorpion or a snake or something creeping around on our dessert walks. We shall see! 

Since the last post we had another bottle share with the neighbors.  We really need liver relief so it is a good thing we are leaving Michigan.

                                                 *'Tis easy to see, hard to Foresee.*

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