Adventure with us as we travel the country in search of history, great scenery, mass quantities of wild life, disc golf courses, microbreweries, fun people and some awesome campgrounds to park our home on wheels. We also hope to do a lot of dispersed camping in the Southwest as well. There will be sunny days and there will be cloudy days but a day without laughter is a day wasted!! ROLL ON!!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

San Antonio-RGV

Our last days in San Antonio were pretty cool.  The eclipse 
 day was pretty cloudy, but we got a picture of it peaking through.

We Played some disc golf after with Dicks sister Barb and Son Jonathan. This was an ankle twister course.  Rock everywhere!!  

Why or Y??

Barbs neighbor gave her a bunch of crafty stuff and lucky for me Barb is not a crafty person, so my stock got replenished with all kinds of thing I didn't have.  I painted the inside of these ornaments and left them for her as a thank you.  It was a fun project that I never attempted, and they turned out pretty cool.  I didn't' want them to be all Christmas colory so she could leave them out in a basket all year,

We arrived in Harlengen and headed straight for pizza a beer.  This place had some interesting art for sale and the Pizza was dang good!!  It wasn't a brewery but it had a bunch of microbrews on tab so we were happy campers!!

The resort was pretty empty when we arrived so walking around was a bit boring, but we have been faithfully walking every day.  I may never be skinny again, but it feels good to be more active.  We got in super lazy mode for the last year.  It's easy to do and not easy to undo.

The pool area is right across from our camper.  Totally cool!  We went hot tubbing for the full moon.  They don't howl at the moon like they do in Arizonia, so we had to find something to do!  It was a pretty night, and the moon looks pretty awesome with the palms.  We got in before the clouds rolled in and got out right before they covered the moon.  Awesome way to spend an evening. With cocktails of course!


We have lived some places that have definitely had some beautiful sunsets and were not sure if Texas was going to be awesome or not.  It has not disappointed us yet!

Close to the Mexican border again this year so.....Here we come Tequila!!  Brought back only one bottle but I am sure we will go back numerous times to eat drink and be merry!!!

Living by some pretty awesome looking vegetation again so you will certainly see some of that in my posts while here. 

Here we are living the dream!!!  Not to exciting of a camp site but we are happy and that is all that matters.  There are a variety of homes in this park.  RV's, Park models, & Mobile homes.  We totally feel like we are in Wisconsin here because there are so many packer backers here.  Not just fans of the Pack but past and present Wisconsin residents.  Kind of cool to talk to people from your home town or places you have been or visited.

HARLINGEN is the town we are living.  The Rio Grand Valley (RGV) has many towns and hundreds of resorts for Winter Texans.  DO NOT call them snowbirds.  You will certainly get yelled at!!

We went on a walk in an awesome park with lots of trails, pond and birding blinds. Plenty of places to get lost. We were almost viciously attacked by this wild boar.  So cool to see one alive finally.  We have seen them dead on the side of the road but never alive.  It really could have given two shits that we were there taking way to may pictures and it was in no way scary but I could have almost died!!!!

Swamp in the park with lots of turtles! They had so much slime on them that we almost didn't see them. 

Somehow, I got involved in a beading class at the park, Every Wednesday at 12:30 I show up and they force me to make another piece of jewelry!! I DONT EVEN WEAR THAT MUCH SO WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING!!???  Well like everything else I make; I will find someone to give it to!!  

I got a smart watch and I for sure thought this was going to be smarter than me and guess what.......
IT IS!  I am having fun playing with my new toy, but it must not work properly because it has not counted enough steps for me to get in shape!!!!

This is my exciting work area where I get to talk to people and sell tickets to the dances, dinners, special events and we get to run 50/50s for park meeting and happy hour.  The activity department is a hopping place and here are very active 55 plus people here.  I think thus far it is more 70 plus but most people have not arrived yet.  Most will come after Thanksgiving and Christmas so they can spend it with family.  

Not a big Poker group yet but Dick is back in the swing of cards again.  We have also played more pool than we ever have.  I think there are 10 tables here as well as a shuffleboard table we playing as well.

Hole in the wall place with amazing fish fry!!!

These do not look like biscuits, but they are amazing.  Look up butter swim biscuits on Google for the recipe.  I used 1/2 cup less buttermilk.  Try them!! So easy and so good!

Dick played in a disc golf glow tournament, and I guess this guy decked out his cart in glow stuff and he thought it was cool.  I didn't ask him but he sent me the picture so that is what it must be.  Maybe I should talk to him!!😂

We are heading to South Padre Island this weekend for a beer & wing fest.  There is also a space X launch scheduled and we are got free tickets to a shrimp boil from our boss lady.  We rented a hotel for a couple days to explore the island.  Should be a good time.